Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Crafting Procrastinator

I have a horrible habit of starting more than one craft project at a time and not finishing any of them. I get super excited about an idea, start a project, then get inspired by another project and eagerly start it. Factor in a husband, 3 homeschooled children and that equals a  craft area full of "beautifully unfinished" projects. 

I've gotten better since I have lightened my daily load. I've cut back on my social media use, deleted my Instagram (some days I'd spend hours looking at everyone else's beautiful art). I only use it when I have a purpose or have honest "downtime" such as waiting in line, or to let my hands rest from crocheting, or knitting (yes, I am teaching myself to knit) and it's amazing how much I've been able to complete! 

Here is a grocery bag holder that I made. I got the pattern from 

Here's a granny square pillow that I made that was inspired by another pin, the pattern isn't in English, and I don't have a link but it was easy to follow just from the picture. I modified it by doing a different form of joining the squares. 
Here are a few more! 

Not spending so much time on social media, and using a craft-to-do list made from the Reminder App on my iPhone, and prioritizing my crafting time, has given me a smile when I can see my finished work. I think I will keep things this way for as long as life will let me. 
